Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Jewish Ghettos Of The Holocaust - 1715 Words

Have you ever been in a room so crowded you thought you might implode? Or been so sick you questioned if you were still alive? How about so hungry you felt as though you would shrivel up and simply cease to exist? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you may almost be able to imagine what life was like in the Jewish ghettos. There were ghettos before the Holocaust, the first being in Venice in the 16th century, there are ghettos today, and there will be ghettos in the future, but the Jewish ghettos of the Holocaust are by far the most prominent. According to Merriam-Webster a ghetto is, â€Å" a part of a city in which members of a particular group or race live usually in poor conditions (ghetto).† This paper will focus, however, on what daily life was like in the ghettos, what Jews did or didn’t do to prevent their fate, and how Holocaust survivors are doing now. I chose this topic because when Elie and his family were living in the ghetto in the beginning of Night, it seemed as though they had plenty of opportunities to escape that they didn’t take. It also seemed much closer to pleasant than I imagined, and I was curious to see if that was completely true. When I started this project I was hoping to find personal survivor stories about what the conditions of the ghettos, how people transitioned into life in them, and what they did to try and keep life as normal as it could be. I was expecting a bounty of examples of indifference because in Night the JewsShow MoreRelatedLife in the Ghettos: Controlling and Segret1328 Words   |  6 Pages2010). A ghetto is a part of a city where Jews were forced to live in horrendous conditions. Even though a ghetto was a transitional stage, it was still an atrocious place to be. The least of importance is what is ghetto and where did it originate. The term â€Å"ghetto† originated from the name of the Jewish quarter in Venice, established in 1516, in which the Venetian authorities compelled the city’s Jews to live (United States United Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2013). The creation of ghettos for JewsRead MoreEssay about A Glimpse at the Holocaust 978 Words   |  4 PagesFor some, it seems that the Holocaust in another lifetime, but for others it will be something they will never forget. Holocaust was a time for fighting. The Jewish would fight for the right to live as they were killed solely for being Jewish. The Holocaust began in 1939 and would continue through 1945. It was introduced by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, although he did not act alone. His mission would be to â€Å"exterminate† all minorities, but most abundantly, the Jews. 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Innocent people died for 12 years, some mentally ill, some prisoners of war, others taken wrong because they werent perfect in the German eye/ Hitlers eye. The Holocaust was well known for the 6 million Jews that died for no reason, but not only did Jews die in the Holocaust. Polan people died prisoners of war died Roman people died catholicRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Nazi Attempt774 Words   |  4 PagesGuidry 8 February 2017 The Holocaust The Holocaust was the Nazi attempt to wipe out the Jewish race (Rossel 12). The Holocaust took place from 1933 to 1945 (Rossel 12). The Holocaust took place in Europe, mainly Germany (â€Å"Introduction† par 3). Mainly Jewish and Nazi people were involved in the Holocaust, as well as some Gypsies (â€Å"Introduction† par 2, 3). The Holocaust was the persecution of 6 million Jews and millions of others forced to live in ghettos, deported to camps, and systematicallyRead MoreJewish Life in Holocaust Tony Burtrum833 Words   |  3 PagesJewish life in the Holocaust Even though manny where persecuted, the Jews had the most hardship in life during the holocaust. Millions were killed or died from other causes. The Jews were considered an outcast. They had to live in ghettos, be sent to work camps, and even have their own child inform the government about them. The Jews had to live in an area of housing known as a Ghetto. This is were the government took a group of Jews and put them into a dirty housing community. Disease outbreaksRead MoreHolocaust : Holocaust And Holocaust1247 Words   |  5 Pages History of holocaust Holocaust Term Paper Jewish people were tortured, abused, and subjected through horrific unfathomable situations by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. Despite all of the unpragmatic hardships Jews all over Europe faced, many stayed true to their faith and religion. There are numerous stories in which Jewish people tried to keep the roots of their religion well knowing the risk of torture and death. The never ending fear of Jewish people living in the Ghettos and trying to surviveRead MoreSingling Out the Jewish People743 Words   |  3 Pagesover in Germany. At its head was a man named Adolf Hitler. For some reason Hitler hated the Jews, we see this in World War II with the Holocaust. The Holocaust started in 1933 when Hitler rose to power; he made a plan in 1941 which was to eradicate the whole Jewish population. Hitler called this plan the â€Å"Final Solution† (An Introductory History of The Holocaust). Why did Hitler and the Nazis single out the Jews for genocide? And in what ways did the Na zis single them out? Well first off, HitlerRead MoreJewish Resistance to the Holocaust Essay1452 Words   |  6 PagesExamining any issue pertaining to the Holocaust is accompanied with complexity and the possibility of controversy. This is especially true in dealing with the topic of Jewish resistance to the Holocaust. Historians are often divided on this complex issue, debating issues such as how â€Å"resistance† is defined and, in accordance with that definition, how much resistance occurred. According to Michael Marrus, â€Å"the very term Jewish resistance suggests a point of view.† Many factors, both internal suchRead MoreThe Use Of Ghettos During The Early 1930s1112 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of ghettos began long before Hitler came to power in the early 1930s. On March 29th, 1516, the Republic of Venice ordered the Jewish population to live in the confined area of Ghetto Nuova. Ghetto Nuova was a filthy, crowded island that confined the Jewish population by closing the island off at night and surrounding it with patrols. During this era, Jewish people also faced discrimination, as they were ordered to wear a sign of identification such as a yellow hat or badge (â€Å"The Ghetto†). Furthermore

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